To be a bit cliché, this shoemaker is a professional Web Developer and her child is this blog, but it was past time to launch what I have of a new design. All the content is still here, everything else is a work in progress (kind of like most of my sewing projects)!
I really can’t turn down any idea that brews in my brain involving Parson Gray fabric. When Carl mentioned that a friend was planning on decorating her baby’s room in blues and browns, I knew I had the perfect excuse to buy a few half yards of Seven Wonders.
Enter Disappearing Seven Wonders.
“Disappearing Seven Wonders”, Rachael Arnold, March 2013, 38″×50″
I put together two sizes of disappearing nine patches—10″ and 8″—bisected by 2″ strips. It went together rather quickly on the retreat I went to in February.
Being a baby quilt, I backed it with a Minky-style fabric of blue and brown stripes. Because the background is white, the result was a less-than-opaque backing, so I threw an 80/20 blend batting in between (I think it is Pellon Nature’s Blend, but it was a scrap from something else, so I’m not positive).
“Disappearing Seven Wonders” (Back Detail), Rachael Arnold, March 2013, 38″×50″
The quilting is an all-over wave-like pattern in a blue/white variegated thread (technically meant for denim).
“Disappearing Seven Wonders” (Front Detail), Rachael Arnold, March 2013, 38″×50″
It crinkled up nicely, even with the bit of poly in the batting and backing.
Topping it off is a new label. I’m planning on telling you more about that later this week.
“Disappearing Seven Wonders” (Back Detail), Rachael Arnold, March 2013, 38″×50″
Now to pop it in the mail! I’m a few weeks late, but I doubt the new baby boy will mind. That’s finish number two for the year. Time to get back to some WIPs.
The retreat last weekend was amazing—something I definitely plan on doing again. It was about 48 full hours of sewing, eating wonderful food, and a little bit of sleeping. I came home Sunday and promptly ended up with the Sinus Plague. So, after a day of work which I don’t much remember on Monday (after work, I was in bed at 6, with a slightly awake break for dinner around 8), and a day in bed yesterday, I feel almost human again.
In the mean time, I’m on a wicked crunch to finish quilting the Amish quilt by Monday morning-ish (so I can mail it), and to make a sampler block by Saturday at 11am.
I did quite a bit of quilting for the Amish quilt while on the retreat (and a bit of un-quilting, unfortunately), but when I needed a break, this is what I worked on (shh, it’s kind of a secret, and you’ll have to forgive my hasty photo):
I’m so happy that my notebook scribbles turned out to be a great quilt top. Now I just have to figure out how to quilt it. It’s going to have a Minky back, so I don’t want to do anything too dense. The ladies at the retreat with me suggested circles; I like that idea. But, there’s still time to ruminate considering the timeline I’m on for other things.
The best thing about that quilt is that I still have plenty more fabric to make something else. I do love it so.