15 Seconds of Fame
The Great Lakes Seaway Trail Quilt Show is next weekend! I can’t believe it’s already midway through March… the year has flown by.
This morning, Lynette (Quilt Show Manager) and I appeared on the Bridge Street Show in Syracuse. I got a sneak peek at five of the quilts and am in awe of the talent and vision of the quilters (one has 5000 pieces in it, and the woman managed to finish it within 3 months!). I can’t wait to see the rest.
Shh, don’t tell anyone, but in the clip, my dress hems are seam-taped, my petticoat straps were pinned on, and my corset and chemise have lots of unfinished edges.
Now that I have the outfit complete, though (well, aside from the above-mentioned issues), I might actually have time to blog about the bits and pieces. I wasn’t very good about photographing as I made them, though, but I’ll try.
Before I do finish them, I need to clean up my sewing room a bit. It looks like a natural disaster hit. Totally messing up my chi.
Then it’ll be back to quilting! I have one that I want to finish by mid-April, if at all possible.