I’m a Guest Poster on Craizee Corners!
Sharon over at Craizee Corners is hosting a series of posts about Tula Pink including a giveaway that closes Aug. 30 as part of her Designer of the Month series.
At this point, you may have forgotten from my lack of updates that I am using Tula Pink’s Prince Charming in the Synchronized Squares quilt. But I am!

I really haven’t made much progress, because I haven’t touched the quilt for a month. I dug it out and started piecing again, before realizing that I hadn’t even cut the whole thing out! So, I finished cutting and now need to sew a few more blocks together to finish the top. In the mean time, I used some leftovers for a special addition to the back.
Head over to see my post and learn more about my progress on the quilt, including my pocket on the back into which you can fold the quilt so that it becomes a pillow!

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