2019 In Review
I haven’t yet decided if I’m going to jump back into blogging again for 2020. I’ve been enjoying the shorter form of Instagram for sharing, so I may find a way to publish cross-platform. But, I wanted to drop in and add a 2019 wrap up here as much (or more) for myself than anyone else.
Quilt Finishes
I sewed a lot this year, but very little of it was quilting. I only completed two quilts.

Quilt Shows
The only reason I managed to finish You Are Welcome was because I entered it in VQF. So, it hung there, winning a yellow ribbon. Human and a small challenge project I made this year (Tiger Splash) have both been hanging since September in a public space here in Burlington along with other quilts made by fellow guildmates. (If you’re in the area, they’re on the second floor of the Innovation Center on Lakeside Ave for the foreseeable future.)
Samplers, Meetups, Exchanges
I tried keeping up with my guild’s block of the month this year and made it to month 10. I decided to call it quits at that point, and finished the quilt top at our fall retreat (on a smaller scale) and quilted it in late November.
This is a category I haven’t included for a few years, but it’s back with a vengeance. After receiving a serger for Christmas 2018, I dove in to playing with both knits and woven clothing.

- Flannel PJ Pants (for Carl, a Simplicity pattern that I don’t recall the number)
- Black Helen’s Closet Avery Leggings
- Silver Foiled Cake Tiramisu
- Cashmerette Concord Tee
- Teal Merino Colette Myrtle Dress
- Helen’s Closet Avery Leggings Undershorts
- Maxi Colette Myrtle Dress
- Black Velvet Cashmerette Upton Bridesmaid Dress
Plus, a few shirt refashions and repairs. I started the year with a #makeNine2019 grid that mixed clothing and quilting, mostly focused on #remakeNine2019 where I tried replacing things I already owned rather than adding new things to the mix. I managed to finish six of the nine.
I have a few projects (and their supplies) lined up for 2020 as well (like the Cashmerette Ames Jeans I didn’t make), so stay tuned (on Insta, at least) as I attempt balance my minimalist wardrobe with a desire to make all the (sartorial) things.
Other Sewing Projects
In addition to the clothing projects, I sewed a variety of small things. While dealing with a lot of migraines and anxiety in the first half of the year, I sewed zip pouches as a way to keep myself in the practice of making even when I didn’t feel into it (or much else). Between those, gifts, samples for a workshop I taught, and the seven that I made for my sister’s bachelorette weekend, I made a total of 22 zip pouches and two laptop cases (which are basically tall skinny OWPs).
Other projects included a one hour basket, a Purl Soho adjustable apron, coasters, bunting, a Portsmith tote, and a variety of other small things.
The Backlog
Perhaps in the future I should add clothing to this as well (I’ve had a knit cardigan cut out since May, waiting to be serged together), but for now I’ll leave it with the quilt projects I usually keep here.
Progress in 2019:
Meta history quilt – blocks made for recent quilt projects
Witches Bubble Brew – quilt top completed, partially quilted
Farmer’s wife / EPP Crosses – I destashed almost all of the fabric for this, so I’ll be figuring something out for what is left soon.
Self-portrait of an American Woman – unsure of whether I’ll finish this. I’ve only made a tiny block or two.
Pixelated Churn Dash – basted, partially quilted
C+S Charm Quilt – quilt top complete
none! (a first!)
I spent a fair amount of time in 2019 sorting through my stuff and decluttering. While I don’t want to limit myself down to the bare sewing supplies I had in Atlanta in 2018, I also felt like I tend to expand to my surroundings like a koi. I got rid of a lot of supplies for crafts I know I won’t work on (knitting, crocheting, needlepoint). Crafting is a space that I’m very bad about keeping things just in case, but being honest with myself, there are a lot of things that I know I’m never going to choose to do over other crafts or projects. So, I’m trying to be much more intentional about what comes in, what stays, and remember that I have the resources to go out and buy something if I do get rid of it and find I need it again later. Plus, it helps me focus on finishing the projects I have in progress rather than jumping to the next new shiny thing. In 2020, I want to focus on sewing through some of the projects I have supplies for before moving on to new things.
Catch me on Instagram @raevenfea to see the progress!
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