2014 In Review
When wedding planning took over all my free time during the spring and summer, I didn’t expect to finish many quilts this year. Once the day had passed and life settled back to normal, however, I found myself manic with quilting motivation. In the end, I finished two more quilts than in 2013!

In January, I posted about wanting to improve my skill at binding. I ended up only hand binding one quilt (Stars For Lennon) and feel much more comfortable machine binding. Yay!
Quilt Finishes
- Wonders of Impromptu
- Peter Rabbit Mopsy Green
- Peter Rabbit Flopsy Purple
- Noble Blooms
- Stars for Lennon
- Road to Community
- Carissima (HC T-shirt Quilt)
- Bird’s Nest Quilt
- Mustang Summing
- V’s Morse Message
Four of the quilts were made with specially-purchased fabric, three were entirely from stash, two only required a purchase for backing, and one was an even mix of stash and new purchases. Additionally, three were long-time works in progress which I’m happy to be done with. Better yet, I didn’t start any quilts that weren’t finished this year.
Sartorial Projects

Despite purchasing fabric lengths for a few different dresses, I only finished one, and never managed to blog about it (or take blog photos, for that matter). It’s a second Tiramisu that I have worn so often that the cheap jersey is starting to pill, and needs to be taken in from stretching out. I guess that is a good thing, in this case?
Crafty Things
The unofficial theme for crafty projects this year was embroidery, evidently. I embroidered a few things for the wedding that went unblogged (a lingerie bag for me, Carl’s pocket square, and jewelry bags for my bridesmaids). I also made tea towels, potholders, keychains, and stockings in addition to the typical mix of doll quilts and stuffed animals.
Samplers, Meetups, and Exchanges
None this year! Now that we’ve started an official Modern Quilt Guild here in VT, perhaps that will change in 2015.
One of those quilt finishes was from a previous sampler, though.
The Backlog
For once, I didn’t add to this list. I even managed to remove three things from it (well, technically I only remembered to add one of them to the 2013 Year in Review, but the other two should have been listed).
These are projects in progress for which something is cut out, at a minimum:
- Farmer’s wife / EPP Crosses
- Organic Spins
- Altar steps
- Miniatures 9-patch
- Witches Bubble Brew
- Drunkard’s Compass
- Double Wedding Ring
- High-school t-shirt quilt
- 2013 Samplers
- Meta history quilt
I have one or two more with all the components sitting in a box, waiting to be cut.
And, on the blogging side of things, I should probably finish up this site redesign!
A Resolution
I don’t know what 2015 will bring. I would like to continue making quilts for our nieces and nephews (six down, seven to go), and there are a few other people in our lives I’d like to create something for.
The one resolution I will make is that by this time next year, I’ll have done something with every unfinished quilt project listed above. Something might be progress, might be finishing, might even be officially giving up and repurposing/donating the completed parts—there just will be momentum of some sort. And, I won’t add to the list.
Sounds like a good way to start, at least.
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