I Have a Name!
… tag that is.
It’s not so cool as the ones I’ve seen some of you making for Sewing Summit, but my quilt club switched from plain ones to having us each make one.
So, this is what I whipped up.

I couldn’t really think of what to do, but then I started looking at my stash and it all came together in my head.
Mostly, it’s all just fused, then topstitched. I threw my quilt label in, a bit of binary (I am a computer scientist [well, theoretically], after all), “Kansas City” (my hometown), “Costume” (that’s how I got started sewing to begin with), and a pen nib (’cause I blog, and write, etc.).
I FMQed my name. My penmanship is horrible. My first attempt was worse:

Once I was done with that, I whipped up a couple of additional new member tags. I bought new chalk, and am convinced that my chalk cloth woes were only partially due to the cloth, and largely due to the crappy Crayola chalk I had.

So, in the future, I think I’ll stick to buying Prang Hygieia Chalk (which is cheap—99¢—at my local Staples).
We’ll see how they work out over the course of the year.
I’ve also made more progress on one of my WIPs, the Impressions Baby Quilt:

Which is good, because I don’t seem to be making much progress on WIPs in general, in favor of starting more projects.
So, here’s to the start of a new Club year, and perhaps some finished WIPs.
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