When Inspiration Strikes
Last week was a bit hectic (our Christmas decorations are still up!), so I didn’t yet start work on my own Tiramisu for the 30 Minutes a Day Sew Along. My plan was to work on it yesterday.
But a color scheme has been stuck in my head in anticipation of the Amish quilt project with SYWTQ. I bought the fabrics for it, or at least as close as I could get to them when shopping online. They came on Friday.
Kona Coral, Konal Regal, Kona Hibiscus, Kona Moss, and Free Spirit Citrine.
It’s not quite right. I think Kona Berry would be better than Hibiscus. Instead of Moss, I need something a smidgen brighter. The Coral could be a just a little lighter.
But they are close.
While I was waiting for my fabric to come, I spent time looking through the IQSCM Quilt Center for quilts with the keyword Amish.
I kept getting stuck on the quilts made of bars.
And when the fabric came, the image in my mind wouldn’t go away.
I spent time in my sewing room yesterday, trying to get started on Tiramisu, but decided I needed to get the new fabric put away. Then I thought I should cut it out. Then I decided I should piece it. The inspiration, it just wouldn’t stop talking to me.
So yesterday, instead of starting on work for the Tiramisu sew along, I pieced a quilt top.

Now I just need to find more fabric for the SYWTQ project. And get started on that Tiramisu.
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