The muse stopped by for a cup of tea last night, which is surprising, based on the mood I was in (it was foul).

I worked on quilting the Tula leftover quilt until I ran through all three bobbins I had wound of the right color. And, I figured out what to do for the Flock Challenge. Then it was almost 1am, so I managed to pull myself away. Plus, I’d exhausted my Hulu queue.
So, tonight’s goal is to actually work on the challenge project.
But, first, I have to put in a 9-10 hour day at work.
Maybe after that, I’ll remember to come edit this with a photo of the apple I needle felted at the MVQC meeting last night. Interesting craft, though not one I think I’ll pick up any time soon.
またね! (My inner child thinks in simple Japanese on occasion. True story.)
2 Responses to “Progress”
Alyce {Blossom Heart}
12:28 am | 03/28/12
I wish my inner child or voice or self spoke Japanese… then I wouldn’t have to learn it, haha!
(we’re moving to Chiba, Japan in 5 weeks)
Rachael Arnold
9:40 am | 03/28/12
Oh, wow, 頑張って [good luck, I think]! Sadly, mine’s very, very basic Japanese… should have paid more attention in class for those 5 years…
Best advice I ever heard? Don’t accidentally say “yeah” in English at the market… it sounds way too close to the Japanese word for “no”.