Project Linus ‘L’ Blocks
Earlier this month, Sharon from Craizee Corners put up a post soliciting blocks for a quilt for Project Linus.
So, after my date with the Farmer this afternoon (the post for which will go up Sunday, I hope), I took a stab at the two blocks I volunteered to make for her.

The patterned fabrics were all from a stack given to me by a friend, so I’m not sure what each one is. From what I could tell from the selvedges, the two reds are American Jane, and the fabric in the ‘L’ of the green/orange block is Nest. The orange fabric is another Moda, but no clue on who the designer/what the line is.
I think Sharon is still looking for a few more blocks, so if you’re willing to spare an hour, check out her post about it, or look at her tutorial for the block which is quite simple, really. She’s hoping to collect them by Aug. 15.