Quick Review: Cream Rose Batting
I think most quilters develop a preference toward one type of batting, but as I progress in my quilting journey, I’m trying to experience all that’s out there. Okay, that’s PR speak for “so far I’ve chosen the precut closest in size to what I need that was either on sale or which I had a coupon for.” I’ve used cheap-o poly (yuck, although warm and lofty), Bamboo/Organic Cotton (love it), Warm & Natural for some small projects (like it a lot), and most recently Cream Rose by Mountain Mist for the Spring QAL project.
I can’t see myself using it in the future for quilts. While it is very soft and sews as well as W&N, it seems very insubstantial. It is much thinner than the bamboo/W&N—1⁄8″, according to the manufacturer—and the piece I had was not an even thickness; you could actually see through it in a few spots. It isn’t as warm as a slightly-higher, yet still low-loft batting, either, so I would classify it as a warm-weather quilt batting if I were to use it again. The QAL quilt wasn’t about warmth—it’s a picnic quilt to lay on the ground—but I wish I’d used something a bit thicker for more padding power.
I can see using it for some crafts in the future. It drapes well, and its thinness makes sense for wall hangings, table covers and runners, etc. The very thin spots aren’t all that obvious once quilted, and on a small scale with quilting even closer than the prescribed 6″, I don’t see it mattering much.
So, overall, not a waste of the $4 or so it cost me with a 40% off coupon at JoAnn (I bought the 45″ × 60″ crib size, but can’t find the receipt for the exact price), but not high on my list of future batting purchases unless I need to go very economical. Warm & Natural still wins on the “need something cheaper than bamboo” front for me.
Have you used this? What is your opinion of it? Do you have a favorite to suggest for me to try out next?
3 Responses to “Quick Review: Cream Rose Batting”
6:31 pm | 06/18/11
Thank you for your review. I just bought two crib size packets of this to use for practice quilting. Upon opening the package and laying out the batting, my reaction was the same as yours; visible thin spots and not very substantial in loft. I have not quilted with this yet, but I suspect it won’t be appropriate for the projects I have in mind, however, I agree that it wouldn’t be bad for a table cloth or wall hanging. My favorite battings are Quilters Dream, Hobbs Heirloom cotton, and Hobbs Tuscany wool. I like Warm and Natural if I am not going to be heavily quilting my project; it tends to get “board” like with heavy quilting.
Lynn Miller
2:02 pm | 12/22/11
I want the “old antique look” with my hand quilting. I have been using and like the Mountain Mist, Blue Ribbon All Cotton Batting. I have only been able to purchase this online. Not carried in any stores around where I live. It feels and looks funny when you are quilting, but after the finished quilt is washed it has the old cotton look.
McKenna Linn
10:30 pm | 01/22/15
I love Mountain Mist Cream Rose batting. It’s my go-to batting for pretty much everything, except I like MM Heirloom Wool for certain applications (high-density quilting to achieve a trapunto-like effect). I buy MM Cream Rose by the case, I find it so nice to work with. I don’t care for the stiff feel of Warm & Natural or Quilter’s Dream. As with anything, it depends on individual taste, projects, etc.